ATM Financial Systems is a leading independent provider of ATMs and merchant services that help you build value for your customers. The best equipment helps ATM Financial Systems offer you the best options in developing the most successful ATM and Point of Sale (POS) programs for your business. Our products give you the exact information you need to manage your ATM and POS without aATM Services hassle. Whether you plan to deploy one terminal or an ATM network/POS of hundreds, ATM Financial Systems has the solution for you.

The profitable effects that an ATM will excite you. When you give your customers the ability to access their money within your store, you're putting money into your pocket at the same time.

At ATM Financial Systems, customer support is top priority. We provide the widest range of services available including:

  • Transaction processing
  • Vault cash reconciliation & management
  • Vault cash & ATM insurance
  • On screen advertising & coupon printing
  • Multimedia dispensing (phone cards, postage, etc.)
  • Major network access as well as EBT card support
  • ATM programming & troubleshooting
  • Detailed reports of transaction activity
  • Other Services:

Whether you need a countertop ATM for small places or a through the wall ATM, ATM Financial Systems can provide the ATM that meets your needs exactly! Offering all of Triton and Nautilus Hyosung's high quality ATM machines, our product line is flexible. We offer top of the line Triton and Nautilus Hyosung drive-up ATM's - seen on the right. It has a modern appearance and offers cutting edge self-service technology. It is suitable for kiosk or "through the wall" installation.

An ATM Financial Systems qualified representative can customize graphics for our ATM color monitors. Screen graphics work well promoting services and provide creative-appearing information for the person withdrawing cash. You give us copy and photos; we do the rest. In developing your coupon program, we will look at all the products and services you offer and examine each area's profit potential, including cross-selling opportunities between them. Then - we can print a coupon on the back of the ATM receipts good for 25 cents off Campbell’s Soup, a free beverage in the deli (to stimulate sit-down restaurant sales), or an instant-win product giveaway promotionCredit Card Processing redeemable at the customer service desk (which can effectively unload unprofitable inventory or encourage new product trials). Finally - Couponing alleviates the perceived cost of the surcharge by offering a value that more than pays for it. You simply provide us with your store logo and color to be placed on the coupons, and we'll have them produced. Vault cash reconciliation & management.

We also offer simple popular standing machines like the Triton and Nautilus Hyosung. This standing machine is perfect for a variety of businesses, including grocery stores, gas stations w/convenience stores, and shopping malls. Its beautiful color monitor gives you the ability to customize its graphics to match your business' look, and tell your customers about in-store specials.


Here's a few ways that an ATM can help your business:

  1. An ATM machine increases sales because it allows your customers to access all of their available cash from bank cards, credit cards, etc... from almost anywhere in the world.
  2. You should earn more than enough profit from surcharge fees to pay for the ATM. The big profit is from the additional sales from the thousands of extra dollars available in your facility.
  3. An ATM transaction is guaranteed and eliminates charge backs, disputes, credit card fees and bad checks.
  4. An ATM provides more security for you, your employees, and customers by providing less risk of robbery and employee theft.
  5. You greatly reduce or eliminate the credit card fees you are currently paying by directing your customers to the ATM.
  6. "EBT" (Electronic Benefit Transfers) Program. State and federal welfare checks along with social security government and retirement checks will soon be replaced with Electronic Benefit Transfers (EBT). Current estimates show that ATM withdrawals could increase 400% to 600% in some areas due to Electronic Benefit Transfers.
  7.  "CASH" is the fastest and least expensive form of payment. "Time is money" has never been more true. Accepting credit cards and checks is becoming increasingly more expensive because of the long process time - which slows down your business. ATM's neatly solve this problem!
  8. An ATM saves employees time and customer embarrassment.
  9. With an ATM your customers make electronic deposits directly into your bank account which saves you both time and work.
  10.  Your potential customers will no longer have to stop at your competitors to get cash (and spend it there).
  11. You will have customers stopping at your place of business because the competition cannot accommodate their needs.
  12. When you provide new and unique services for your patrons, your image is improved.

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